Welcome to
Faculty Finder

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Welcome to
Faculty Finder

Our streamlined search portal pairs colleges and universities with qualified faculty, in literally a matter of minutes. And it is free. See our video welcome message.
Higher Education Faculty Search

What is
Faculty Finder

Faculty Finder is a quick and easy-to-use application that solves hiring needs for both part-time and full-time faculty, on-site and on-line. Our database curates a profile of instructors that are experts in their field, current practitioners, and have more than 2 years of online teaching experience; and most importantly, you can see which faculty have the required 18+ units in the discipline.
In a matter of few minutes colleges can find qualified faculty


Are you a faculty looking for teaching positions?

Faculty Finder is a FREE platform for faculty and universities


Are you a college looking to hire qualified faculty?


To connect Universities & Colleges to a
professional network of qualified Faculty
Quickly – Efficiently – Inexpensively


Faculty Finder is a streamlined search portal
that pairs qualified faculty with colleges and
universities in a matter of minutes.

Higher Ed Jobs Marketplace
Faculty Finder
Faculty Finder Filters help you better understand the faculty you are hiring. You get a quick snapshot of their credit hours in a specific subject matter, their educational experience, and their teaching experience. This gives a quick look at whether the candidate is a good fit for your organization’s mission and goals. HR no longer needs to sift through thousands of applications to determine this information, we do it for you; In few minutes, you can identify faculty you would like to hire; gone are the days of hundreds of hours in this pursuit.
Part-Time/Full-Time Faculty

Credit Hour Filter

The Credit Hour Filter is a critical time saver when shortlisting
candidates. The candidates will have the required 18 credit hours+ to
teach in the program you are looking to hire for when you complete the
search because our application only shows you the candidates who have
met the requirements you filter for we have already vetted qualifications
via unofficial transcripts.

Preference Filters

You can further filter faculty by teaching experience, and education; as well, you can search by teaching preference, such as on-ground, online, and synchronous courses that require live sessions and asynchronous sessions.

More Than 30 Departments

Currently Faculty Finder can help with faculty profiles who are qualified
to teach across 30 different departments, which includes business,
finance, accounting, education, information technology courses…


Are you faculty looking for teaching positions?

Faculty Finder is a FREE platform for faculty and universities


Are you a college looking to hire qualified faculty?

Faculty Finder is a FREE platform for faculty and universities

Welcome to
Faculty Finder

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Welcome to
Faculty Finder

Our streamlined search portal pairs colleges and universities with qualified faculty, in literally a matter of minutes. And it is free. See our video welcome message.
Higher Education Faculty Search

What is
Faculty Finder

Faculty Finder is a quick and easy-to-use application that solves hiring needs for both part-time and full-time faculty, on-site and on-line. Our database curates a profile of instructors that are experts in their field, current practitioners, and have more than 2 years of online teaching experience; and most importantly, you can see which faculty have the required 18+ units in the discipline.
In a matter of few minutes colleges can find qualified faculty


Are you a faculty looking for teaching positions?


Are you a college looking to hire qualified faculty?

Faculty Finder is a FREE platform for faculty and universities


To connect Universities & Colleges to a professional network of qualified Faculty
Quickly – Efficiently – Inexpensively


Faculty Finder is a streamlined search portal that pairs qualified faculty with colleges and universities in a matter of minutes.

Higher Ed Jobs Marketplace

Faculty Finder

Faculty Finder Filters help you better understand the faculty you are hiring. You get a quick snapshot of their credit hours in a specific subject matter, their educational experience, and their teaching experience. This gives a quick look at whether the candidate is a good fit for your organization’s mission and goals. HR no longer needs to sift through thousands of applications to determine this information, we do it for you; In few minutes, you can identify faculty you would like to hire; gone are the days of hundreds of hours in this pursuit.
Part-Time/Full-Time Faculty

Credit Hour Filter

The Credit Hour Filter is a critical time saver when shortlisting candidates. The candidates will have the required 18 credit hours+ to teach in the program you are looking to hire for when you complete the search because our application only shows you the candidates who have met the requirements you filter for we have already vetted qualifications via unofficial transcripts.

Preference Filters

You can further filter faculty by teaching experience, and education; as well, you can search by teaching preference, such as on-ground, online, and synchronous courses that require live sessions and asynchronous sessions.

More Than 30 Departments

Currently Faculty Finder can help with faculty profiles who are qualified to teach across 30 different departments, which includes business, finance, accounting, education, information technology courses…


Are you a faculty looking for teaching positions?


Are you a college looking to hire qualified faculty?

Faculty Finder is a FREE platform for faculty and universities

Faculty Finder is a FREE platform for faculty and universities

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